More than 30% of seniors have diabetes, and the number of seniors diagnosed with diabetes is increasing every year. If your senior parent has been diagnosed with diabetes you may be shocked, especially if they didn’t have a lot of the usual risk factors for diabetes. Diabetes is a manageable condition for seniors, but only if they commit to making lifestyle changes that will keep them healthy.

Elder Care: Senior Diabetes in Oyster Bay, NY

Elder Care: Senior Diabetes in Oyster Bay, NY

It’s recommended that seniors who have diabetes have elder care at home. Having elder care means that your senior parent won’t be alone in their home. If something happens and they mismeasure their insulin or have a diabetes-related health event someone will be there to help them or get them help.

It’s also important that you take steps to support your senior parent and help them change their lifestyle and habits to successfully manage their diabetes. Some of the things that family members should know after a senior parent is diagnosed with diabetes are:

You Should Learn More About This Disease

In order to really help your senior parent you will need to know more about the type of diabetes that your senior parent has and how lifestyle and medications can impact their blood sugar. Diabetes isn’t a death sentence, but your senior parent may need your help to learn to manage it.

Talk To Your Senior Parent’s Doctor

You may not be getting all of the information from your senior parent, so it’s a good idea to check in with their doctor about treatment plans, management advice, and lifestyle recommendations. Working with their doctor can  help you encourage your senior parent to make the right behavioral changes to manage this disease.

Learn How to Monitor Their Blood Glucose

Seniors may need help figuring out how to read their blood glucose levels and how to do a blood glucose test at home. You should learn how to test their blood glucose, how to use diabetic equipment, and how to give insulin shots in case you need to at some point.

Encourage A Healthier Diet

Seniors may need a lot of motivation and support while they are switching to a healthier diet. You can support your senior parent by going on a diabetic friendly diet with them, helping them shop for diabetic-friendly foods, and learning new recipes that they can enjoy.

Make Food Care A Priority

Diabetes can affect circulation and nerve function, increasing the risk of foot complications. Talk with your senior parent about the importance of proper foot care, including daily inspection, regular toenail trimming, and wearing comfortable, well-fitting shoes. Take your senior parent for medical pedicures regularly. And buy them diabetic-friendly foot lotions and products.

Stay Up To Date On Diabetes Advances

Diabetic advances are being made all the time. From updated equipment like wearable insulin pumps to medications that can help with weight loss and blood sugar management medical companies are always trying to improve diabetes care. Make sure that you stay up to date on these advances and talk to your senior parent about them. Embracing new medical equipment and new treatments may help your senior parent live better with diabetes

If you or an aging loved-one is considering elder care in Oyster Bay, NY please contact the caring staff at Brookville Homecare today. 516-802-7722