As people get older, they often become more difficult. They can be stuck in their ways and not want to change. Sometimes, elderly people need help with certain tasks and they refuse to let other people help them, as well. If you have difficult elderly parents, there are some tips that will hopefully help with the situation.


Companion Care at Home in Jericho, NY: Difficult Elderly Parents

One of the first things that you will need to do if you have difficult elderly parents is to work on acceptance. Your elderly parents are who they are. This doesn’t necessarily mean they shouldn’t have to accept help. However, the sooner you can accept this fact, the sooner you can work around that to get them the type of help they may be more willing to accept. For example, if your elderly loved one is unwilling to get help with taking a bath, maybe they will accept help from a companion care at home provider. If they are told this person will just be there if they need help, maybe they will be more accepting of it themselves.

Settle for What They Will Accept

Does your elderly parent need help with many things at this time? If so, you may want to jump right in and have someone take over everything. This may be too much for your elderly parent to accept. It would be a good idea to have someone come in and help with the things that your parents absolutely can’t do on their own. Hopefully, if they see how helpful the senior care providers will be, they will be more willing to accept more assistance down the road.

Taking Care of Yourself

Dealing with difficult elderly parents can take a toll on you. You may want to keep being there for your parents and doing everything you can for them. However, you must think about your own physical and mental health. Things are going to start bothering you and causing resentment if you don’t take care of yourself. This doesn’t mean you can continue to support and love your parents. You will always be there for them. However, you can step down as the caregiver for a while and let elderly care providers take over for now.


Dealing with elderly parents who are being difficult can be tough. You know they like things done in certain ways. Your parents may not like to ask for or get help from other people either. However, there are some tips that can hopefully help you to deal with your difficult elderly parents. The tips that are noted above are a good place to start.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Companion Care at Home in Jericho, NY please contact the caring staff at Brookville Homecare today. 516-802-7722
