Millions of Americans spend billions of dollars trying to stay fit. They have gym memberships, fitness equipment at home, and devote hours upon hours each week to exercising, strengthening, and trying to get or stay in shape. That doesn’t change just because you become, technically, “elderly.” 

The majority of aging seniors would consider themselves to be active. They want to be that way. They worked tirelessly their whole adult life and want to enjoy their Golden Years. Being active is one way many of them fulfill those ambitions. 

But staying fit, maintaining strength become a bit more challenging the older you are. That’s because your body changes. Even if you work out regularly, even going to strength training sessions, you will lose muscle mass over time. 

That makes it more and more difficult to stay fit, but still possible. 


What about for those who need care?

Elder Care Wantagh, NY: Staying Fit and Seniors

Elderly men and women who need some type of care can still do their part to stay as fit as possible. They might need care to recover following a medical emergency, such as a heart attack or mild stroke. 

They may have undergone surgery recently. Perhaps they had a slip and fall accident and are waiting to heal, but don’t want to lose strength and fall too far behind the proverbial eight ball. 

They might be working with a physical therapist. They may be exercising on their own as best they can. 

If they have trouble navigating their home environment, getting out of bed, if stepping into and out of the shower poses extra challenges right now, home care is the perfect recipe that can help these active elders not only stay safe, but to continue on this path to staying fit. 


What can a home care aide offer? 

Physical, mental, and emotional support. Helping somebody get up from the couch, get out of bed, get into and out of the shower, get dressed, prepare meals, go shopping, take a safe walk around the block or go to the park are all possible with a home care aide. 

Everyone’s needs, desires, and references are going to differ, but when you rely on home care through an agency, you can truly focus on staying as active as you wish, within limitations. 

This doesn’t mean a home care aide is going to let an elderly client be reckless, but they will support them based on their experience, compassion, and dedication. 


If you or an aging loved-one is considering Elder Care in Wantagh, NY please contact the caring staff at Brookville Homecare today. 516-802-7722