If you have a senior parent that is aging in place your senior parent might be having trouble with activities of daily living. Activities of daily living like brushing teeth, washing up, combing hair, and getting dressed are necessary part of living but often seniors have trouble with these tasks as they get older. But seniors often don’t like to discuss their issues with activities of daily living or ask for help from their children. Sometimes seniors are embarrassed to ask for help. And some seniors may be afraid that their children will think they can’t continue to age in place if they need help. 

Your senior parent may not want to discuss it with you but there are some signs that will let you know that your senior loved one is struggling with activities of daily living and needs some personal care at home. Personal care at home helps seniors with bathing, getting dressed, and the activities of daily living in a compassionate way. If your senior parent is exhibiting any of these signs it may be time for personal care at home:

Not Showering

Personal Care at Home Glen Cove, NY: Activities Of Daily Living

Personal Care at Home Glen Cove, NY: Activities Of Daily Living

If you notice that your senior loved one isn’t showering on a regular basis it’s time to have a discussion with them about personal care. Not showering can leave them at risk for developing medical issues as well as making it unpleasant for them to go places socially. There could be a physical or psychological reason why they are having trouble showering. Talk to them with compassion and talk to them about personal care at home if they need help. 

Wearing The Same Clothes Every Day

If your senior parent is having trouble getting dressed they may be wearing the same clothes each day because those are the only clothes they can comfortably put on. Your senior loved one may need help wearing other clothing because it has zippers they can’t zip or buttons that they can’t fasten. A combination of personal care and new clothes that are easier to put on can solve the problem and allow your senior loved one to feel comfortable again. 

Not Brushing Their Hair

If seniors are not brushing their hair it could indicate that they can’t hold a brush comfortably or don’t have the ability to raise their arms. But not brushing their hair can cause a lot of problems . And it just doesn’t feel good to not have clean and brushed hair. If you notice that your senior parent’s hair is not getting brushed or looks dirty and unkempt it’s time to have a conversation about personal care. 

Developing Rashes Or Skin Problems

If seniors aren’t washing and moisturizing their skin they can develop serious skin problems and rashes. Those skin problems can lead to infections and other medical problems that can become quite serious. Even though it can be awkward to talk to your senior parent about personal care it’s necessary if you are noticing that your senior parent is developing skin problems.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Personal Care at Home in Glen Cove, NY please contact the caring staff at Brookville Homecare today. 516-802-7722