Hygiene: Personal Care at Home Syosset NY

Hygiene: Personal Care at Home Syosset NY

With personal care at home, seniors can get all the help they need with daily hygiene tasks. Such as showering, dressing, and brushing their teeth. When seniors are traveling with family or friends, they won’t have access to the same help that they have at home. That can make caring for their hygiene a little tricky. Here are some products that can help them maintain good hygiene when they’re traveling.

Absorbent Underwear

There are several companies that make specialty underwear that is comfortable, stretchy, and has a thick absorbent lining that absorbs liquids. Seniors can wear this underwear under nice clothes when they are going to for meals or to see the sights. They can also wear them under a bathing suit for swimming, boating, or sitting on the beach. They are also perfect for traveling because they don’t need to be changed like a brief. So, if seniors are stuck on a plane or if there is a delay in their travel and they can’t access a bathroom, there should not be any issues.

Baby Wipes

Baby wipes are a great all purpose item for cleaning up on the go. Seniors can use baby wipes to clean up after going to the bathroom or to wash their hands. They can also wash their faces or wipe off sweat on a hot day. It’s a good idea for seniors to keep a travel pack of baby wipes with them in a carryon, purse, or backpack and then pack a larger container in their suitcase. Because baby wipes are so handy, your senior parent will probably go through a lot of them so it’s smart for you or their personal care at home provider to pack the large container.

Deodorant Spray

Spray deodorant is great when seniors need a little freshening up. It can be easily applies without leaving white marks and can be used anywhere. After swimming or after time spent at the beach seniors will be ready to go shopping or to go out for a meal with just a little spritz. Look for the spray deodorant that can be used all over the body so that seniors won’t have to worry about any kind of odor when they’re out and about with family and friends.

Toothbrush Adaptor

Seniors who have trouble with gripping things should pack a toothbrush adaptor so that they will be able to brush their teeth by themselves. A toothbrush adapter can be purchased at any large store or seniors can make one out of a tennis ball. A mechanical toothbrush with a toothbrush adaptor will allow seniors to brush their teeth on their own without any spilled toothpaste or pain in their hands when they’re traveling and don’t have any help. There are also mouthwash strips that seniors can just put under their tongues to freshen their breath easily throughout the day.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Personal Care at Home in Syosset, NY please contact the caring staff at Brookville Homecare today. 516-802-7722