There are a lot of reasons why seniors get anxiety at night. Seniors who are aging in place often are alone at night in a large home that can feel cozy during the day but scary at night. Seniors also may worry about what would happen to them if they fall at night and can’t reach the phone to summon help. Many seniors worry about how they would manage if they fell getting out of the shower or in the bathroom. And while family caregivers understand and sympathize many of them just can’t be with their senior parents 24 hours a day. They may have children to take care of or other responsibilities that mean they can only provide care during the day. 24-hour home care is here to make seniors and their families feel more comfortable at night.

With 24-hour care there is always someone with your senior loved one even when you can’t be there. And at night this can help senior sleep better and provide peace of mind for both seniors and their families. Some of the benefits of overnight care for seniors with 24-hour home care include:

Safety And Security

24_Hour Home Care Glen Cove, NY: Overnight Care

24_Hour Home Care Glen Cove, NY: Overnight Care

Seniors who are living in their family home can be targets for criminals. When people know a senior is alone at night sometimes they think that seniors would be an easy person to steal from. But when there is a care provider in the house too seniors are a lot less attractive to criminals. Having someone else in the house also means that there is something to monitor security cameras, turn on outdoor lights, and watch the property. 

A Friendly Companion

Seniors are often lonely at night and that loneliness can sometimes trigger anxiety. Especially if your senior loved one recently lost their spouse the nights can feel very long and lonely. Having a companion there overnight can make the night less scary by giving your senior loved one someone to watch TV with and someone to share a snack with or talk with. 

Someone To Help With Animal Care

If your senior loved one has a pet a care provider can help make sure the pet has been fed and has water. They can clean a litterbox or take the dog out for a quick walk so that your senior loved one doesn’t have to take the dog out alone late at night. With 24-hour home care there will also be someone to get help for the pet if they have an emergency in the middle of the night. 

Someone To Get Help If Necessary

There will also be someone to get help for your senior parent in the middle of the night if they need it. You and your senior parent will have the peace of mind of knowing that your senior loved one will have someone in the house that can call you and call for emergency assistance if your senior loved one falls or has a medical emergency at night.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering 24-Hour Home Care in Glen Cove, NY please contact the caring staff at Brookville Homecare today. 516-802-7722