Companion care at home can support aging seniors through grief.

Companion care at home can support aging seniors through grief.

As people age, losing someone is bound to happen. However, this is not the only grieving a person may experience. Often, getting older involves grieving for the person you used to be and the person you are becoming.

Life can bring challenges, and it is normal to grieve during certain life periods. It’s natural and okay, and if a senior has a good support system from companion care at home services and adult children, they will make it through these challenging moments.

Here are some ways companion care at home, family, and meditation can help seniors work through grief.


Meditation Can Help With Awareness

When seniors are grieving, they can easily become unaware or numb to how they are really feeling. When a person becomes really sad and has heavy things to work through, it can take a toll on them, and they may shut down.

By working on meditating every single day or even just a few times a week, seniors can sit with the intention of being aware of their feelings. It allows those feelings to come and be acknowledged and for seniors to intentionally let them go in that moment.

It is important to become aware of how you are feeling during a challenging time.


This Practice Helps With Acceptance

Allowing yourself to openly feel emotions is one of the best ways to accept them. If seniors constantly push down their feelings, they are more likely to never accept loss or changes in life, which is unhealthy.

If a senior needs help talking through emotions, companion care at home providers can help. These professionals can be easy to talk to, which is another way to accept feelings about a situation.


It Can Help a Senior Form Connections

When a senior is open and honest with how they are feeling they are also open and honest with what they need from others. This will help them form connections and will allow companion care at home professionals to understand what a senior needs to thrive and grow from this grief.

Every person is different, but meditation can help seniors form new connections and process things internally to help them move on and want to connect again in the future.


Meditation Can Help a Senior Stay Present

Your loved one may not be allowing themselves to feel emotions, and this means they are also stuck in their head, trying to shove everything down and away. When your loved one is not present, they may not be paying attention to things that are going on around them.

Companion care at home can help them focus and find a routine, but a lot of internal work will also need to be done to help them stay present. Meditation can come in handy here because it allows a senior to feel everything, let it go, and refocus on their life.

When a senior is present, it is a lot easier for companion care at home to help guide them through daily tasks.



If you or an aging loved one is considering Companion Care at Home in Massapequa, NY, please contact the caring staff at Brookville Homecare today. 516-802-7722