Healthy Aging: Home Care Assistance Oyster Bay NY

Healthy Aging: Home Care Assistance Oyster Bay NY

Everyone wants to age gracefully. But when you picture retirement, you don’t picture everything that happens to your body. You may think in your 80s and 90s, you will still be spry like a spring chicken, but that isn’t always true. Seniors run out of energy and sometimes, it simply come down to their genetics. However, there may be some things that your seniors can do that will help them age well and live independently. That includes considering home care assistance.

Home Care Assistance

Firstly, the idea of your loved one aging in place can seem terrible, especially when you’re not always there. This is when you should start considering home care assistance to help your loved one. They will provide basic care for your senior but also be able to monitor any issues that may result from aging. Home care assistance will be the best companion for your elderly loved one and keep you updated on their health situations. This is one of the best things your seniors can do if they want to age well and stay as independent as possible.

Get Active, Stay Active

Even if your senior doesn’t like moving around, the worst thing they can stop doing is moving. Eventually, lack of mobility will leave them wheelchair-bound, and this can limit what they do on their own and make them feel bad. So, it’s time to encourage your loved one to get outside every day for a walk, a golfing session, or even a yoga class. The more active they are, the more likely they are to age well and live the golden years they want.

Always Wear SPF

If your senior mom is worried about her skin tone, texture, or sunspots, it’s time to encourage her to wear SPF daily. This will help your loved one avoid extra wrinkles that come from the sun instead of age and will also help them avoid things like skin cancer. Keeping your skin nourished and protected is crucial for seniors who want to stay healthy and age well.

Find the Right Diet

Diet plays a crucial role in how old someone feels. Age is just a number, but when you eat a ton of processed foods, these foods lacking in nutrition can make someone feel older. They are unhealthy and not filled with minerals your body needs to age well. If your senior needs help cooking more meals, they should ask home care assistance for help grocery shopping and cooking throughout the week.

Change Your Mindset

As mentioned above, age is just a number. When you adopt a mindset of being old, you will feel old. Everything in life is just about the way you think of things. You can embrace whatever age you are, but keeping a positive attitude about the number can change everything in your life. Simply wake up and tell yourself you feel young; this will help shape the whole day.

Quit Smoking

Cigarettes play a huge role in how the body works and can have devastating impacts on health. You won’t breathe well, smell good, and your teeth can rot from cigarettes. If you want to feel younger than you are, give up smoking.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Home Care Assistance in Oyster Bay, NY please contact the caring staff at Brookville Homecare today. 516-802-7722