Senior Vision Impairment: Elder Care Jericho NY

Senior Vision Impairment: Elder Care Jericho NY

Dealing with vision impairment is a struggle for many seniors. What loved ones and seniors might not understand is that vision impairment is related to proper cognitive functioning. Maintaining regular vision appointments and striving to have optimum vision health for overall wellness is essential. With the help of elder care providers in the home, seniors can follow treatment plans for vision loss and eat a well-rounded diet that encourages vision health.

According to studies conducted in 2018, maintaining proper vision health can help seniors fight cognitive decline. There are several ways in which vision impairment can reduce cognitive functioning. Some of the most significant are discussed below.

Decreased Concentration May Lead to Isolation

If seniors have trouble seeing, they may struggle to concentrate on anything for too long. This can cause problems when taking tests and remembering information. As people age, their patience level with their attempts to concentrate could decrease to the point of them not trying in the first place. This can lead to isolation, which is already an issue for many seniors.

Decreased Working Memory Affects Short-Term Recollection

Working memory is the short-term memory that helps people store information for use later on. If seniors’ vision is impaired, this could mean they cannot retain information for more than a few seconds. This inability to remember things might cause those around them to skip past them, not wanting to bother them with something they won’t remember anyway. When this happens, seniors begin to feel unvalued, which can lead to withdrawal from things they once loved.

Increased Stress Levels Are a Result of Frustration From Impairment

As with the other two issues, frustration becomes a considerable factor as seniors struggle to maintain a piece of who they once were. Many people with poor vision report feeling stressed or anxious due to their condition, as they don’t want to make mistakes when performing tasks. This stress can increase heart rate and blood pressure levels, leading to further stress and anxiety.

Glasses Might Not Solve All Vision Issues

Glasses allow those with vision loss to see more clearly, but glasses don’t fix all issues. Some conditions, such as macular degeneration, need consistent monitoring with a medical team to ensure proper care. Additionally, for seniors with good eyesight their whole lives, working with a new medical team for vision loss, remembering to wear glasses, or even adapting to visual aids such as larger fonts takes time.

Elder care members can assist seniors as they adjust by encouraging them to use visual aids and wear glasses. They can also monitor when seniors seem to be struggling and discuss those issues with seniors and their loved ones.

It is thought that the neural system needs to be stimulated to continue functioning at the optimum level. When it comes to vision impairment, the frustration of not being able to see might cause one to simply give up. Thus the stimulation will decrease. Having elder care in the home is a wonderful remedy for reduced stimulation. Elder care professionals can socialize with seniors, encourage them to try new activities and help maintain necessary relationships that are beneficial for their health and well-being.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Elder Care in Jericho, NY please contact the caring staff at Brookville Homecare today. 516-802-7722

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