Heart Attack Signs: Elder Care Woodbury NY

Heart Attack Signs: Elder Care Woodbury NY

The chance of having a heart attack increases as you age. In fact, people over 65 need to pay extra attention to their heart health because their bodies might not always give them the same warning signs as younger people. For this reason, knowing the signs of a heart attack is very important because getting help quickly can save lives. With seniors, loved ones, and the elder care team working together, they will know what to do in case a heart attack strikes.

Pay Attention to Pain or Discomfort in the Chest

Pain in the chest is a common sign of a heart attack, but it can look different in older people. Younger people often feel strong, crushing pain during heart attacks. Older people, on the other hand, may feel a more subtle discomfort. This pain can feel like pressure, fullness, burning, or hurting in the chest. However, it is important to note that some older people may not have any chest pain at all during a heart attack.

Issues With Breathing

Another common sign of a heart attack is shortness of breath or trouble breathing. Seniors may feel this as extreme shortness of breath, even when they aren’t doing much. There may also be a tightness in the chest at the same time.

Spreading Pain Through the Body

Even though chest pain is the main sign of a heart attack, in older people, the pain can spread to other places of the body, like the arms, back, shoulders, neck, or head. Seniors often describe this pain as a dull ache or soreness, so it’s important to pay attention to any strange feelings in these areas.

Sick and Vomiting

During a heart attack, some older people may feel sick or throw up. When these digestive problems are added to other danger signs, they should not be ignored. The elder care team can monitor this to assess if seniors might be feeling sick for another reason or if a heart attack might be the culprit.

Dizzy or Lightheaded

Seniors may feel dizzy or lightheaded after a heart attack. This can happen quickly or slowly, and it may also be followed by skin that feels cold.

Feeling Strange or Fatigued

Seniors who feel very tired or out of the ordinary, even when they’re not doing anything, may be having a heart attack. If this happens, loved ones should encourage them to seek medical assistance.

Sweating – Hot or Cold

Excessive sweating or cold sweats can also be a sign of a heart attack. These hot or cold sweats occur when they’re not doing anything, so it is something that comes out of nowhere.

Feeling Confused

Sometimes, having a heart attack can make seniors feel lost or confused. This may be worse for older people. It’s important to think about the chance of a heart attack if a loved one suddenly starts having memory problems or seems confused.

It’s important not to wait to get medical help if loved ones feel seniors are exhibiting signs of a heart attack. Recognizing the symptoms early and getting medical help right away can greatly improve the chances of a good result. With the help of loved ones and the elder care team, seniors can thrive.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Elder Care in Woodbury, NY please contact the caring staff at Brookville Home Care today. 516-802-7722

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