As your loved one ages so does their bladder which causes changes in bladder health. Luckily, there are certain things your loved one can do to ensure they don’t get UTI’s and ensure they stay as healthy as possible while aging in place. If your senior needs help with managing medications or taking the steps necessary to care for a UTI they need to consider finding the right home health aid to help them during this time. These are professionals who can manage medications given from the doctor and help ensure your loved one recovers. Here are some tips to prevent a UTI to begin with:


Home Health Care: Bladder Health in Jericho, NY

Home Health Care: Bladder Health in Jericho, NY

Encourage Your Senior to Drink More Water

If your senior loved one is not drinking water it could damage their bladder. One of the most crucial things a senior can do to promote a healthy bladder is drink more water and this is something they often neglect. They may not get as thirsty as they used to or they may ignore the signs that they are thirsty. Home health care providers can keep water bottles nearby and open ready to drink and keep track of how much water they are consuming. This will be crucial if a senior has already developed a UTI. Getting on a water or drinking routine can also help a senior stay hydrated throughout the day which will help bladder health.


Limit Alcohol

Caffeine and alcohol should be limited for overall health but especially when focused on bladder health. Heavy alcohol use over the years can lead to bladder dysfunction. So the sooner they stop drinking the better it is for their health. Caffeine can also lead to bladder problems. When a senior drinks too much caffeine they may go to the bathroom more and as they move slower they may not make it in time. Going to the bathroom too much is not always a bad thing but it can cause health issues if not managed properly.


Focus on Preventing Constipation

Unfortunately, going to the bathroom too much can be bad but not going to the bathroom at all is also dangerous for your loved one. When a senior does not use the restroom a buildup of stool can become backed up in the colon leading to various health problems and bladder issues. When there is a backup in the colon the bladder cannot fully expand which is not good for your elderly loved one. Luckily, one of the best ways to prevent constipation is by focusing on eating a well-rounded diet filled with fruits and vegetables high in natural fibers. If your loved one is not eating enough they may need to take supplements from the doctor to keep things regulated.


Empty Your Bladder Fully

It’s one thing to go to the bathroom but every time your loved one goes to the bathroom they should completely empty their bladder. A senior should never rush their bathroom trip, they should remain there until they are completely empty. Holding in anything could lead to an unhappy bladder or even UTI’s. They should also be encouraged to go as often as needed.


If you or an aging loved-one is considering Home Health Care in Jericho, NY please contact the caring staff at Brookville Homecare today. 516-802-7722