Senior Obesity: Senior Home Care Manhasset NY

Senior Obesity: Senior Home Care Manhasset NY

Aging can be challenging as it is, but it can be even more difficult to stay mobile as a senior when you don’t feel well or have achy joints. Because of these reasons, your senior may gain weight. If they lack fresh foods and stray towards prepackaged foods, the risk of obesity can be even higher. Especially if obesity runs in their families. However, being obese can cause even more problems for your loved one. Having senior home care can help support your senior loved one to make better choices in an effort to prevent obesity.

If you are worried about your senior’s weight, you should encourage them to seek a doctor. These professionals will weigh them and help a senior determine what a healthy weight is for their body type. Remember that weight fluctuates as you get older, and your body shape will change no matter what. Unfortunately, a senior may not know the complications of obesity and may put their weight gain on the back burner, thinking it’s not important. But the truth is, it can impact almost every area of their life.

Obesity Impacts Joints

The bigger you are, the more pressure is put on your joints. This can hurt a senior struggling with other issues like arthritis. If your loved one is battling a chronic condition, weight can make it much worse for them. Your senior mom or dad may be complaining about leg or knee pain, which can be a sign to go to the doctor. Even one pound lost can help improve pressure on the joints tremendously, which will help them feel better and move more.

Can Increase Risk of Diabetes

Too much body fat can lead to type 2 diabetes. They may not be eating right, are addicted to sugary foods, and their body can no longer process the sugars they eat. Diabetes is something that even fit seniors will have to worry about because their bodies will naturally start becoming resistant to insulin. Obesity can just speed up the chance of developing diabetes.

It May Worsen Respiratory Issues

Some seniors may already have something like COPD or asthma, and the truth is that more weight on the body can make breathing harder. The extra weight will pressure the entire body, including the inside, like lungs and other major organs. This is why being overweight can be incredibly dangerous for your loved one. When your loved one can’t breathe well, they may also stop moving around more, which is one of the worst things they could do if they want to age in place. Senior home care can help your loved one manage chronic conditions, but it is your loved one’s responsibility to maintain a healthy weight.

Obesity Can Cause Body Pain

Lastly, obesity can cause a massive amount of pain for your seniors. Obesity can cause joints and body pressure and tons of inflammation, making it hard to move around. Senior home care can help your loved one manage weight by helping them live an active lifestyle, eating better, and taking them to the doctor. However, your senior mom or dad will have to want to make these lifestyle changes and stick with them to limit the weight they gain in their elderly years.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Senior Home Care in Manhasset, NY please contact the caring staff at Brookville Homecare today. 516-802-7722