Foot Amputation After Care Hickville NY

Foot Amputation After Care Hickville NY

Foot amputation is surgery that removes part or all of the foot. If your aging parent has had to have this surgery, his doctor left as much healthy bone, skin, blood vessel, and nerve tissue as possible. It can be quite traumatic, and having to come home after and care for the area can seem overwhelming to both your parent and to you, his caregiver.

The doctor will have given your parent and you very specific instructions on how to help your parent’s body heal and following those instructions will be key in making sure your parent heals quickly and easily. Since each case is unique, always follow the doctor’s advice, but here are some basic steps to the home care you can expect your parent to need.

Wound Care

Your parent may have bandages, a rigid dressing, or a cast on his remaining limb or foot. These bandages or casts will need to be checked daily, as well as the skin around the area. Someone with skilled nursing care can be hired to come in daily to the home to check the remaining limb or foot daily for irritation, skin breaks, and redness. A skilled nursing care provider will be able to see if any areas need to be reviewed by your parent’s doctor immediately. The nursing care provider can also assist with daily washing, using care to treat the area gently and pat it dry once it has been washed.


Your parent should be able to return to eating his normal diet. He might want to start with bland, low-fat foods right away if he has any stomach upset from the surgery or medication. Sometimes having a bowel movement after surgery can take some time, so encourage him to eat foods that are rich in fiber and maybe even take a fiber supplement until he has his first bowel movement.


The doctor will have given instructions on the amount of exercise and the best activity for your parent. Your parent may feel that he should lie in bed all day or sit on the recliner, but usually being active and using his remaining limb or foot, will help it to heal faster. He may need assistance with mobility by using a cane or walker, or having a skilled nursing care provider walk around with him, but the sooner he can get up and get moving, the sooner his life will begin to get back to normal.


If your parent had to stop any medications to prepare for surgery, the doctor will tell him when it’s safe to start taking them again. Your parent may have new medications he’ll need to take as he recovers, especially for pain management and infection prevention. A skilled nursing care provider can help make sure he takes his medication exactly as prescribed so that it works best for his recovery.

Foot amputation may seem like a frightening surgery, but it won’t be long until your parent is back to enjoying their life.


If you or an aging loved-one is considering Skilled Nursing Care in Hickville, NY please contact the caring staff at Brookville Homecare today. 516-802-7722