Have you ever meditated? If you have, then you probably know how beneficial it can be. Even if you didn’t reap many benefit from meditating, you were probably at least relaxed in the moment. As a family caregiver, you can help your elderly loved one by encouraging them to meditate. The truth is that many senior citizens benefit greatly from meditation once they practice it regularly.

Relieving Physical Effects from Stress

Personal Care at Home Glen Cove, NY: Benefits of Mediation

Has your elderly loved one been stressed lately? If so, do they get headaches, stomachaches, or other physical issues from the stress. Research shows that the body naturally responds in these ways when under stress. However, there are natural solutions to relieve these issues. Meditation has shown to help relieve many of the physical effects from stress. The reasons for this are because meditation lowers blood pressure and controls breathing. When these two things are under control, the body isn’t under as much pressure, so the physical ailments lessen. If you aren’t sure whether meditation is helping your elderly loved one with these things, you can get them personal care at home. The elderly care providers can watch your loved one before and after they meditate to see if it is helping.

Becoming More Mindful

Meditation can help your elderly loved one to become more mindful. Most senior citizens have developed habits throughout the years that are engrained in their brain. It can be difficult to break these habits. For example, if your elderly loved one is used to getting stressed out when they hear something in the news, it can be difficult to stop being stressed in response to what the news is saying.

With regular meditation, your elderly loved one can learn to become more mindful of how they are behaving, reacting, and just being. Over time, they will have more control over their thoughts, feelings, and overall well-being.

No Side Effects

Is your elderly loved one taking medication for stress, anxiety, sleep, or pain? If so, these medications may be causing them to have negative side effects. Wouldn’t it be nice if these side effects were non-existent? Well, if you can get your elderly loved one to meditate regularly, the meditation may be able to take place of the medication. Before doing this, make sure your loved one’s doctor is okay with them stopping or weaning off their medications. If needed, you can get your elderly loved one personal care at home to ensure they are doing okay when stopping their medications.


These are some of the many benefits of meditation for senior citizens. When caring for your elderly loved one, you should encourage them to try meditation. If they are having trouble with it at first, you should find them some guided meditation videos. These videos will help your elderly loved one get used to meditating. If needed, you can even hire elder care providers to help your elderly loved one find meditation videos when you aren’t around.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Personal Care at Home in Glen Cove, NY please contact the caring staff at Brookville Homecare today. 516-802-7722

Sources https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/12-benefits-of-meditation