Warmer temperatures bring more fresh fruits and vegetables to our grocery stores and farmer’s markets. One quintessential fruit that is often thought of when you think of summer and picnics is the classic watermelon. While delicious and refreshing, did you know that the watermelon also has a lot of health benefits, many of which are particularly helpful for your aging parent? Some of the nutrients that watermelons are rich in are nutrients that help prevent or reduce the risk of ailments and diseases that especially negatively affect the elderly population. So, the next time you work with your parent to create her shopping list, why not add watermelon to the list? (If watermelons are too heavy for your parent to pick up, have her senior care provider pick one up for her and bring it over on her next visit.)
Health benefits of watermelon:
Senior Care Woodbury, NY: Benefits of Watermelon
Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that is good for eye and skin health and ripe watermelons are loaded with it. If your parent struggles with poor eyesight health, adding fresh watermelon could help improve some of the conditions she struggles with. Beta-carotene also helps with cancer prevention.
Lycopene is a phytonutrient that occurs in fresh fruits and vegetables. Phytonutrients help protect plants from germs, fungi, and other threats, while also having wonderful anti-inflammatory and immune boosting benefits for humans. Watermelon has the highest concentration of lycopene of any fresh produce, making it a wonderful addition to your parent’s diet to improve bone and heart health, as well as reduce the risk for prostate cancer.
Vitamin A
One serving of watermelon can provide 30 percent of the recommended amount of vitamin A to your parent’s day. Vitamin A is another important nutrient for good eye health. Vitamin A also boosts your parent’s immunity response by enhancing her white blood cells.
Vitamin B6
The best way for your parent to combat germs is to build a healthy immune system. The levels of Vitamin B6 in watermelon strengthen your parent’s immune system and help it produce more antibodies. Since even a fairly common cold or flu can really have dire consequences for your parent’s health, improving her immune system is a great way to stop any illness before it even starts.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is another vitamin that watermelon is rich in. One serving provides about 25 percent of the body’s daily needs. Vitamin C helps fight off colds and flu by building the body’s immune system. It’s also been shown to help the body get rid of free radicals, which have been linked to cataracts.
These are just some of the wonderful nutrients that are in every serving of watermelon, giving your parent’s immune system and body an extra boost in fighting off diseases and other health issues. Have your senior care provider slice up some watermelon and keep it in the refrigerator so your parent can easily grab a bowl or a couple slices the next time she needs a little snack that’s both delicious and highly nutritious.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering Senior Care in Woodbury NY please contact the caring staff at Brookville Homecare today. 516-802-7722
Source: https://facty.com/food/nutrition/10-health-benefits-of-luscious-watermelon/